Monday, March 28, 2011

Feeling the love...

Last night Nate and I sat down to watch our wedding video together. First, we watched the slide show that we played at our reception. I love seeing pictures of chubby little baby Nate. Makes me wonder what our kids will look like someday.

When we put the wedding video in, it took me right back to that day. Almost nine months ago now. Time has just flown since the wedding. I get all excited and giddy about it. I had thought and dreamt about the moment Nate would first see me all done up since the moment he put a ring on my finger (and probably long before if I am being honest here).

I wish I could relive that day over and over. Many people had different opinions about me getting married on my Birthday. I could not be happier that I did. Although, I will always give Nate a hard time about sharing my Birthday with our anniversary he knows that it is exactly what I wanted. It has always been my most favorite day of the year and now I get to share it with my most favorite man in the world!

As we sat there cuddled up watching, I just thought about everything that has all happened since that day. It warmed my heart. Sometimes I feel like we have already lost that "newlywed feeling" when we fight about some pretty pointless things, but I can definitely say that we have not. I am enjoying each and every minute of our first year together as husband and wife.

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