Wednesday, February 19, 2014

my loves

 I know this is a little late, but I thought would share a few of the many things I am loving this year around valentine's day.

+ When Minden plays with my hair while I'm holding her.
+ Cooper snuggling up in my lap after a long day.
+ Nightly games of "pig" against Nate with a toddler basketball hoop.
+ Once we get to daycare I usually set Minden down to take her coat and stuff off. She will walk away to play, and then come back to hug and kiss me goodbye.
+ Nate surprising me with flowers and a coffee table made out of an old door. Love it!
+ Having more time with family and friends.
+ Minden talking a lot more. And praising herself by saying "good girl" when she listens to me.
+ Cooper and Minden having moments. I catch them all the time caring for each other with puppy kisses and soft head pats.
+ Walking into Minden's room in the morning and after naps. I usually sit outside and listen to her jabber to herself for a few minutes, but that smile once you open the door melts my heart.
+ My little family.

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