Saturday, June 8, 2013

8 months of minden

 Eight months old! Wow, that's hard to believe. You have almost been outside of my belly as long as you were in. Now that you are here time seems to be flying.

We have lots of nicknames for you (none of which are Mindy). Your dad likes to call you sweetheart and pumpkin. I call you: little, M, peanut and princess. Mostly little. A boy from your daycare calls you Minden-moobers, and we really enjoy that one as well.

You have been rolling a lot more from you back to your belly, however sometimes you arm get caught when you try to go back. You are also sitting up so well. You have not really been trying to get up on all fours and crawl yet.

You laugh, giggle, squeal, clap and throw fits. You have quite the little personality. You are easily distracted when I nurse. If you hear Cooper moving around it is pretty much a lost cause. Speaking of Cooper he loves to give you toe kisses, and you love to pull his hair.

You like to knock over the blocks after I build them up. You also enjoy "yelling" at my hairdryer in the mornings. As soon as I turn it off you freeze and look me like "what just happened?".

You are still going to bed around 8 pm and waking up once during the night to nurse. You are still eating twice a day. Usually around 3 tablespoons of food now. If I try to give you anything not pureed you usually gag on it. We will keep trying.

You love our family walks as much as we do. You sit back in your stroller and take it all it.

You are beautiful, smart, funny, shy, social and altogether growing too fast! We love having you in our lives, little. Keep growing.

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