Welcome! I have never ever really thought of blogging before, but after reading some friend's blogs I decided I wanted to start one myself. I think this will be a great way for everyone to experience Nate and my life since we are so far away from home. Also, it will be fun to look back on and remember these busy months before our wedding.
So to start off, I would like to tell a little story about my luck. I have never really considered myself a lucky person, but for some reason this last week I have been feeling like some luck might be coming my way. Usually when they offer free tickets on the radio to caller ten, I just listen in and wait to see who wins. It started about a week ago now that I decided I was going to make a call. My first attempt was for Taylor Swift tickets (and I do not even listen to her music), but no such luck there. After that it was a gift certificate to a restaurant here in town, followed by Mallard's tickets (hockey team), and then Dane Cook tickets.
Nate and I had really wanted to go an see Dane Cook, but unfortunately it just wasn't in our budget with planning a wedding and him in school. So when I called yesterday and they were looking for caller ten, and I was called number 2 and then caller number 6, I decided that maybe I should just give up on my luck. This morning as I was leaving for work however I heard the cue to call again and gave it one last shot. The phone rang... and rang.... and rang...........and rang for 2 and 1/2 minutes. Just as I was about to give up I heard someone answer the line. They said hello and my response was "Please lie to me and tell me I'm called number ten!" After they drug it on for about a minute or so they informed me that sure enough I was called number ten! I couldn't believe it. Anyways Nate and I are really excited to go see Dane Cook this Saturday night, and we even have floor seats!
I think that this experience was exactly what I needed. Just a little reminder that when you think and act positively good things will come to you! I am not so sure it was luck as much as persitance and the inability to give up.
I am not sure how that went for a first blog, but I promise that they will get better as I go! :)
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