Wednesday, September 7, 2011

the windy city

August 22, 2011.
We took a little trip to Chicago.

After a little GPS breakdown, thanks to Nate's ever faithful Droid, we made it to Navy Pier. 
This was my second visit, and Nate's first.

After we grabbed a bite to eat.
I stole some smooches on the ferris wheel.

And Nate laughed at my fear of heights.

And then Nate got fulfill a dream.

We went to our very first game at Wrigley.
And had the best experience.

The game?
Cubs vs. Braves. 
And the Braves even won for us.

Another first for us, was making it early enough to watch warm-up. 
Nate was as giddy as could be.

Ahhh.... this is the life.
I loved our little stolen vacation before summer's end.


  1. Looks so fun! I've never been to Chicago, but I'm definitely going to make a point to go soon, now that I'm a little closer.

  2. Wow! Baseball looks like so much fun there :)

  3. I've always felt that the way to make baseball fun is to go with someone you think is awesome. Looks like that's what you did! Also, I hear you on the trusty Droid navigation. *sigh* I can't count the number of times it has got us where we needed to be.

  4. Thanks ladies! It was a lot of fun, and we will definitely be making another trip.

  5. In my opinion Chicago has never looked as good as it did through your eyes (and lens)! :)
